ramp plans!!!


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want to make some ramps that are easy to make ,inexpensive and cool of coarse!!! bored of the same old curb every day this is your page to look at!!

ramp building!!

1. Decide on the type of ramp(s) you want to build, sketch out the design and dimensions on paper. These hints might help you decide what you want to do

2. Acquire the materials required and as much wood as you can get your grubby little hands on

3. Find a work space to use (garage, backyard, etc.) and lay out your supplies. If you're planning to build a fairly large structure (permanent) try to build it on site.

4. For ramps with curved transitions, you will need to use the string-and-compass method.

5. Once you've drawn and cut your templates, next comes the bracing. Shown here are two methods. Both are effective, but the cut-out version, while more work, is a stronger design.

6. Once you've done the framework, you'll most likely need to prep the top piece(s) of the plywood (which must bend to fit the transition without breaking). Do this by propping up the sheet(s)--already cut to size--at a sloping angle and soak with a hose at low pressure for an hour or so. As the wood becomes soaked, apply an increasing amount of weight to the center of the board(s)--using bricks or something similar--until the wood attains the desired curve. Now nail the wood onto the framework's 2-by-4s. If your ramp is to have coping, make sure to leave enough space for it to fit snugly. Always go WITH the grain of the wood while bending and apply the ply!

7. For a smoother transition, sand the bottom edge of the top sheet at an angle flush with the ground. Check for jagged splinters. Sand or paint if desired. Paint will make your ramp faster!

8. Duct tape, airplane or electrical tape or aluminum strips may be added to smooth the transition's bottom edge.

9. Congratulate yourselves on a job well done (?) and start shredding!






launch ramp

Any more ramps you want me to put on my website just e-mail me